
Saturday, May 30

New simple and fast recipe with corn flakes

Are you bored of corn flakes with milk.Then try this new recipe

Take fresh curd in a bowl,add grated carrot, finely chopped coriander leaves, little salt and then add corn flakes to it and taste it immediately.It will be crispy and tasty to have on any time.

Mango Kulfi

As it is mango season everyone loves to have mangoes in various form of dishes.Here is a simple recipe for you all to try.


Milk - 1 litre
MAngo pulp with juice - 1 cup
corn flour - 2 teaspoon(mix it with little milk into a paste)
Sugar - 1/2 cup
Glucose - 1/4 cup
powdered badam,pista, cashewnut and kesar few for decorations


Boil milk on heat well and then add sugar to it.Mi it and let the milk boil till it becomes thickened to half litre of milk,Then add glucose,kesar,corn flour, and mix again. When they start thickening, add the mango pulp, pista, badam stir well for some 3 minutes and keep it for cooling in small bowls.Then u can keep them in freezer fpr 5 to 6 hours and then taste it.